Friday, May 14, 2010

Final Paper Part Three

Part III: Final sociological analysis with work cited

When deforestation happens it really affects everyone. The Earth’s supreme biological reserves are suffering. The tropical rainforest once sheltered about 14 percent of the planets land mass, and currently, they only guard about 6 percent of the earth’s values. Many environmentalists say that the remaining wooded areas could be eaten and consumed in approximately less than a period of 40 years. Thousands of acres of tropical forests are lost every other second with terrible consequences for both emerging and industrialized countries. Experimentalist estimates that deforestation is held responsible for the loss of 137 plant types, animal of various species, and insects every day. The total death rate of species lives per year rounds up to at about 50,000 losses.
With deforestation increasing rapidly the chances for finding cures for very serious diseases is depleting. With that being said you can see were deforestation is going and the casualties it brings. So to sum up deforestation, about ten thousand years ago, at the end of the last major ice age, well over 50 percent of the lands surface was covered with forests. Roughly half this vast forest was tropical, with the vest divided more or less equally between the cooler temperate forests and the boreal forests of the cold north. So if we do not stop deforestation eventually we will be hurting ourselves in the long run. The only good thing I can tell about deforestation is the simple fact that it gives a lot of people in the world jobs.
I think (deforestation) is a good economic tool but at what cost! America and other countries especially need to look for better ways to obtain resources that people depend on every day. If not then one day we will use up most of all the forest’s resources not to mention all the species that depend on the forest will parish. At this rate it said that all the moist rainforest’s will be destroyed by the year 2050! But at the same time if deforestation is to stop we cannot just sit around and talk about it; you have to get up and do something about it or this terrible process of destroying forests will continue. “The individual must not merely wait and criticize, he must defend the cause the best he can. The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves” (Albert Einstein).

Work Cited

“National Geographic: Eye in the Sky—Deforestation”. National Geographic. 06/15/09
Lindsey, Rebecca. “Tropical Deforestation: Feature Articles”. NASA. 06/17/09 .
Rochen, Jocelyn. “Deforestation”. 06/15/09 .
“Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of Deforestation – National Geographic”. National Geographic. 06/17/09 .
Wallace, Scott. “Amazon Rain Forest, Deforestation, Forest Conservation – National Geographic Magazine”. National Geographic. 06/19/09
"The future of the forest." Economist 392.8635 (13 June 2009): 27-29. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 27 June 2009 ;. CNN- Rain Forest Clash in Panama

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